Blown à la scène Nyoncore

Samedi 18 juin 2022 dans le cadre de la fête de la musique à la scène du conservatoire, Nyon. Concert gratuit!!! C’est au bord du lac et il fera chaud! BBQ, beer and bikini! Info sous

BLOWN play last edition of Schwanden Openair 2019

We will play Schwanden Openair Saturday 7th September 2019 with cool bands at the most coolest venue in Switzerland! Stage at the skilift Schwanden in the bernese Alps! Watch the promo video

Uristier Tribute night in Bern

We’ll play one cover from Uristier and party for their 25 years of band existence at the mighty Dachstock, Bern on November 30th. Be there or be in Tirol…

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